
Free music for you DJ !

Post created: 2016-04-21 15:15:50

You got that right!

Promote the music of Karton by playing it.  It's as simple as that.
Simply apply for a free copy of whatever Karton track that you like and BAM you get it for free*!

Follow the link to the contact page and get your free tracks NOW (yes, you can apply for more than one title).

Can't find the right track for you?
Then maybe you should check on Soundcloud too: Jump!

* If you are a DJ that will play Karton tracks of course!

Co-production with J.Lewis

Post created: 2016-04-06 15:47:23

"Attention Whore" is the latest release on Karton Music and is a co-production with my good friend J.Lewis.
See the releases section for the info about the track and where to buy.
Thank you for sharing and listening!

Youtube channel.

Post created: 2016-04-05 11:19:36

On the Youtube channel you will also find some home studio jam action.
Don't forget to check it out.

Here is an example:

New website since Spring 2016.

Post created: 2016-04-05 10:36:24

Karton Music is proud to annouce a new website!

It is more flashy, more music, more informing, in fact more anything...



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